eVic-VTC Mini is one
of the most innovative device ever made by Joyetech with its new
integrated magnetic battery cover based on interchangeable 18650,
upgradable firmware, and even more features than any other vape we've
ever released. In addition to the high power of 60w and variable
temperature control system, the multiple choices of attractive colors
make it even more popular. New technology for ecigs keep coming out and
our vaping experience keeps getting
better. Smaller Mods with Temperature Control. Temperature control is
the new waive of vaping, No Burnt Taste, Slower Burning Eliquid, and
much better flavor... Joyetech always comes out with new technology
first in line and perfects it to the highest quality before their
competitors... Vintage Joye™ Vapor Lounge is always up to date with all the new electronic cigarette technology as it hits the market. We strive to keep new hot products in stock for your ecig needs. Come check it out at our Naples location.